Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Teacher and Student feedback

This is the image of our poster once it had been printed out, then our teachers put comments about it on post-it notes so we could have a visual feedback sheet.
The first comment was that the main image was a bit too blurry, I agreed with this comment however I also believe that this was printed out in a much larger size than it would appear in a newspaper or magazine, therefore the blur would not show as much.

Also our teachers believed the background of the text wasn't equal on all of the sides, which didn't look good in my eyes either. Therefore this will have to be tweaked to make it look like more of a professional product, which is fairly easy to do and is not likely to be a massive problem.

We were also informed that the image of the car in the background should be blurred out a bit to make the front image stand out more. On top of this we got told that maybe it would be better if we made the front image of the screwed up poster lighter, possibly with the 'sharpen' tool.

This is the image of the added in comments from students.
The first comment explains that the font is a bit blurry, which I did not notice at first, therefore I will have to look at this in more detail and try to reduce the blur. However this also goes back to my point of the image which was printed off is much larger than it will be for the final piece.

We were also informed that the image was too simple and maybe a different image would be more beneficial, we have taken this point into consideration as we are having serious thoughts about changing the image to the CCTV image.

Finally, a student told us that the text boxes were too unclear, therefore we will consider making them stand out more, possibly with a change of colour or making them bigger.

To conclude I feel the feedback has been good, and we have had the chance to think about the pro's and cons of our image. Therefore we shall consider the feedback and seek to make our product as proffesional and eye-catching as we can.

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