Monday, 17 January 2011


Myself and Conor thought it would be best if we asked someone outside of our media class, who does not study media to give us feedback about our production. We asked Emily because she has not studied media therefore we thought it would be beneficial to get an outside opionion of our production.

Overall she believed our production was very good, and believed it seemed like a professional product and realistic too. The first point she made was with regards to our CCTV shots which she recognised straight away due to the distorted view and the time code at the top of the frame.
Emily also believed the music worked well with the different scenes and she also mentioned, the best thing about the music was the genre and the mood it created. She explained it was music you would expect to hear in a similar style of documentary which we were pleased to hear.
She also mentioned in her feedback the reconstruction. She believed it was placed in at a good time in the documentary and she felt it was a good addition to the production, along with the different shots in and around the car.
Emily's final positive point gave relevance to the establishing shots around Hertford and the scenes of Margaret Evans inside her home. She explained to us that the tension inside of the house worked very well and gave the documentary a very realistic feel to it. Whereas with the establishing shots she believed we framed our shots well and got a good variety of shots to enhance our production.

Although she managed to point out many advantages she believed there was one point which she felt 'spoilt' her experience and viewing of our production. She explained to us that she could hear the sound of the microphone moving in one of the scenes which myself and Conor had been aware of and are trying to fix it. Therefore we know that we need to rectify this problem to enhance our production even further.

However overall Emily said she thought our production was very good with special relevance to the 'huge' variety of shots ad the balance between narrating, acting and reconstruction worked very well. She also 'loved' the music as she felt this gave it a new dimension and brought the whole production together.

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